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A safe space to reflect.

Group is a place to process through journaling prompts and meditation time together.

Why do we need it? Because being a human in today’s world can be deeply lonely, and in some cases, even when we have an inner circle of support, we still don’t have the right place to let things out. Group is an open invitation to come as you are and share whatever it is that you need to release. It’s a place of connection and co-healing.

How do we meet? I'll host on Zoom (and you won’t feel Zoom fatigue afterward).

Will I need to prepare or do anything? No! Seek out a quiet spot wherever you are and join with video or without. Bring a journal. Appearances don’t matter.

What do we do? Everyone joins and we go over the guidelines, which include a judgment free zone and no awkward introductions. I’ll have a theme for us to reflect on. You’ll write answers to prompts in your journal. And then sharing in round robin style happens. You can share as much or as little as you want. No one comments or interrupts your turn. From there, we may write more or meditate, depending on the flow of the group.

What does it cost? $15 USD is the standard price, payable through the signup link. I want this to be accessible to everyone, so please let me know if you would like to come as my free guest at any time.

A chance to be in community with others, no expectations! A rare chance (unique in my own experience) to just be.
— Dr. Jen Polk of "From PhD to Life"